The road to success

Are you a younger student making GCSE choices or coming up to making your final decisions on A level subjects?

If you have aspirations of top universities these choices will have a critical bearing on your future. Do you have the opportunity to study Further Mathematics at your school? Are you aware of the implications of NOT taking it up if you’re applying for Economics at top universities. It is just as important to consider what you are ‘giving-up’ and ‘closing the door on’ when you reduce the number of subjects you are studying as it is to be excited about the depths of specialising or the opportunity to start a new subject you haven’t encountered before. If you want expert, independent advice about the best choices for you even (and especially) if you are not sure yet what you want to study at university or for a career contact us for a free initial discussion.


Cantab Education helps St Mary’s students secure Oxbridge success.

